Torriano Avenue
Tel: 02074240202
Creating a Gender Equal World™ | London Tech Week 30 ChangeMakers to Watch | Cambridge Female Entrepreneurs Society
Charlene Laidley Communications Limited
These business leaders have been chosen because their companies are growing quickly. Combined they employ 123+ people.
The event was created by 5atcnzomukjnphjcjddxuj for 150 students at Torriano Primary School aged Age 8 - 11.
careers week which runs from October 17 to 21st
What kind of leader will you be?
We hope you can help raise aspiration and awareness with our students of the high impact careers they can pursue. We'd like you to demonstrate the relevance and connection of what is taught in classroom with the jobs you are creating right now. It'll be an opportunity for our students to gain an understanding of the 21st century skills and roles that are needed in today's economy.
we are particularly interested in how Gender equality works in the workplace. Is our planet really a planet 50:50
How can we ensure we bring these values into the workplace. Working in teams. How do you value those you work with.? How do we Ensure equity? Do all staff have the right to be heard. How do we avoid discrimination.